Fence Rows and Unintended Consequences

Fence Rows and Unintended Consequences

When I was a teen, my father inherited the farm where we lived after my grandfather passed away. Our farm was in the Midwest where the land is flat and you can see forever; this was the farm-belt, the land of corn and soybeans. The house itself was in a huge yard...
Company Travel Policies & Johnny Cash

Company Travel Policies & Johnny Cash

Company Travel Policies & Johnny Cash  In these trying times, especially on the business front, where some humor may be needed, I offer this reflection on a conversation I heard while at dinner with the owner of a company, and some customers we were...
EP 96:  Conducting Business-Redefined

EP 96: Conducting Business-Redefined

On this podcast CLOUSER and Heidi Bird discuss adapting to the new environment in, which now must conduct their business. Host and Bird discuss changes they have experienced, and how the companies they work for have made the necessary changes for them to stay in...